Ramage Peak Trail

What better way to start out the new year than with a hike? I had some new camera equipment to test out, and I wanted to find a nice canopy trail to photograph. I checked my EBMud map and came across the Ramage Peak Trail, which starts at the Chabot staging area on Redwood Road, near Castro Valley.
The trail marker at the start of the hike says you're on the Rocky Ridge Loop Trail, but the map says it's Ramage Peak Trail. If you travel the whole loop, you'll hike 7.4 miles. I just went in about 1 mile, and returned. I just wanted to take some pictures, but kept going until the canopy opened up. I'm saving the rest for another day...
If you just want a nice and picturesque meditation walk, hike this short section of the Ramage Peak Trail. Take your time, and enjoy the beautiful Oaks and Bay trees. Start at the staging area, and catch the trail as it starts off on the right of the Christmas tree farm.
Bathrooms are at the staging area.
Have Fun!
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