Welcome to East Bay Trails.com!

The mission of East Bay Trails.com is to showcase trails and nature in the San Francisco East Bay and around the world.  I believe the path to health and wellness lies in exploring nature, especially through hiking.  Through photography, video, news and information, my goal is to share what I've seen so that people become motivated to explore nature, and through that effort, become healthier.  

I incorporate Google Earth flyovers in my hike reviews. If you don't see the flyovers, get the Google Earth plugin here.

Enjoy the site and thank you for visiting.

Paul Salemme

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Entries in Highlight Reel (1)


Golden Spike Trail - Highlight Reel

Golden Spike is the last trail in this video, comprised of Tate, Toyon and Golden Spike.  Read the full notes here.


Start at the Big Bear Staging Area
Cross the street
Bear Left on to Golden Spike Trail
Right on to Toyon Trail
Left on to West Ridge Trail
Left on to Tate Trail
Left on to Golden Spike Trail
Bear Right on Golden Spike back to start
Mileage: 2.38 miles