Temescal Regional Recreation Area

Lake Temescal is a little jewel nestled right next to Highways 13 and 24. The park's 48 acres include trails that circle the lake. The East Shore and Dam Trails are paved, while the West Shore and Oak Bay Trails are dirt. As you'll see in the photos, the trails include live oaks, willow, laurel, thimbleberry, hazelnut, ferns, blackberry, toyon, a few redwoods, and of course, poison oak.
Location: 6502 Broadway Terrace Oakland, CA 94618
Total Mileage: 1.72 miles
Total Ascent: 830 feet
Total Descent: 786 feet
I started out on the Oak Bay Trail. It's a pretty trail that makes a gentle climb along the west side of the lake.

There is a nice variety of trees on this trail, including a few redwoods and a scattering of oaks.

You'll have some nice views of the lake from up here, and you'll also be able to see the Beach House (used for parties, weddings, etc.) highway 24, and the houses along the Oakland hills.

Oak Trail is a bit of a steep drop down to the paved Dam Trail. Along the north side of the lake, the paved Dam Trail is an access point from the north entrance of the park, and runs along a lawn area with a little playground and bathrooms.

Continuing on the Dam Trail, take a right on to the East Shore Trail. This trail takes you along the beach, past the beach house, the little waterfall and some nice trees, and gives you a level view of the lake.

At the end of the East Shore Trail, there is another nice little lawn area.

At this point on my hike, I doubled back on to the West Shore Trail. You may see quite a few fishermen on this trail, some carelessly smoking. But, I had some nice views of the lake along this dirt trail, and there were more than a few pretty trees hovering above the lake.

I came back on the same trail, and finished this short but picturesque hike. The total distance travelled was 1.72 miles. Not much of a hike, but run this a few times and you'll have a great workout. Enjoy!
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